Notice of Public Meeting via Teleconference |
11/22/2019 2:00 PM | 2 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting |
11/15/2019 12:30 PM | 204 -
University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, System Computing Services -
Las Vegas, NV 89154 2 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting and Intent to Act Upon a Regulation |
11/15/2019 2:00PM | 306 and 304 overflow -
University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, System Computing Services -
Las Vegas, NV 89154 47 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting and Workshop |
07/26/2019 2:00PM | 47 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 306 and 304 overflow -
University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, System Computing Services -
Las Vegas, NV 89154 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting |
07/26/2019 1:00 PM | 306 and 304 overflow -
University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, System Computing Services -
Las Vegas, NV 89154 47 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting |
06/21/2019 11:30 AM | Room #5 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 Room #306 -
University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, System Computing Services -
Las Vegas, NV 89154 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting via Teleconfernce |
03/15/2019 9:00 AM | Room #5 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting |
02/22/2019 1:00 PM | Room # TBD -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 Room # TBD -
University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, System Computing Services -
Las Vegas, NV 89154 | | | |
Notice of Public Meeting |
rescheduled 01/18/2019 9:00 AM | Room #47 -
University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N. Virginia Street, System Computing Services -
Reno, NV 89557 Room #102 -
University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, System Computing Services -
Las Vegas, NV 89154 | | | |